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2018 Search For A Star - 3D Games Animation Stage 1 - Jake Shoesmith

Design Thinking:

This animation piece was created as a result of my current interest in fast paced movement. I wanted to animate a piece that would show off this movement in an effective way, showing off the power of speed. The Deadpool rig was chosen as a result of the characters fast paced movement, and usage of weapons in fights. The actual scene was designed to show multiple things I have previously worked on such as jumping, flips and strong poses. One of the main tricky pieces of this one was getting the last flip correct. I had to time it right so that the Spiderman rig would react at the same time as the kick-off for the main rig. Once this was completed I was able to work on the landing/sword garb. One thing I am not happy with would be the way the guns fly out of the hands, as I think it does not look natural. As a piece I am overall happy with this animation, and enjoyed creating this piece. One potential improvement would be the length, as I do believe I could have made it a little longer.


  • Maya - All animations, Testing and fixes

  • Photoshop - Thumbnails, Help with video edits

  • Premiere Pro - Video editing

Production process - e.g. animatics, tests, refining, composites :

2018 Search For A Star Submission:

HQ Beauty Shots:

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