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Over the summer I was granted a scholarship by the York Center for Complex Systems Analysis (YCCSA) to participate and be part of a solo research project. Each project was different in scope (some requiring more research and write-ups, while some required the creation of an actual application) and lasted for 9 weeks over the summer. The project I worked on over this time was the “App Development for Game-Based Learning in Chemistry” with my 3 supervisors to offer advice and help on certain topics.


The main idea behind the project was to create a quiz app that would be used by the upcoming students and current students, based around organic chemistry. From the original brief I was free to take the application in any direction I saw fit (Original brief here:

Using the unity engine and my personal UI/Animation/Programming skills, I was able to create and build the application in the time period which will now be going up on the Apple/Google App stores.

The look behind the game and general feel is based on a retro style. I wanted to go with this look as I could base all of my art work and sounds around a pixel/8-Bit style allowing for consistency, which also allowed me to make the application more of a game rather than an educational product.

In reflection the 9 Weeks spent on the game have been very creative and fun. I was able to design the whole look of the app and this was one of the best parts.

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