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For a recent university assessment in partnership with IBM, we were asked to review the IBM Planning Analytics software and improve the first time user experience, choosing one of the 5 different stages.


Original IBM screen 1:



















My prototype 1:



















Highres image link:



Original IBM screen 2:


















My prototype 2:



















Highres image link:



Original IBM screen 2:


















My prototype 2:




















Highres image link:



Critical Reflection:

Overall I have enjoyed working on the IBM project as it helped me identify what a user needs on the UI/UX side of software, and how it can be crucial for first time users. If I was to re do the project I think I would take a different approach on how I tackled the whole project. For me the way I handled it was good, but I feel with more time a better questionnaire could have been developed, and potentially different areas (e.g. importing data) could have been chosen with additional research. The feedback I did get was probably some of the most effective bits of information I received throughout this whole process, as it allowed me to understand what other first time users want and not just myself. One of the biggest challenges throughout the project was working out how to fix the help/information section of the software. The way it is handled in the software to me is horrible, but because of the random button placements it was quite challenging when redesigning this area, in order to keep the general layout and feel of the software.

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